Macintosh ReadMe File - LAUNCH, No. 12 This ReadMe file contains tips and late breaking information about LAUNCH that is not included in the booklet. Internet Features ----------------------------------------- The technical staff at LAUNCH are trying their best to better connect the LAUNCH Disc to the awesome power of the Internet. They would really like to hear your comments on whether you were able to connect to the different websites that LAUNCH offers. Please e-mail your comments to: or FAX a note to LAUNCH Tech Staff, 310-576-6070. "QuickTime 2.5™ Installer" icon ----------------------------------------- Double-clicking this icon will install the necessary QuickTime™ files, along with some fonts, into your System Folder. After you restart, you will be ready to run LAUNCH. RamDoubler™ users ----------------------------------------- Unfortunately, RamDoubler™ may cause "Cannot use Media" error messages when running LAUNCH. We suggest disabling the RamDoubler™ extensions before using LAUNCH (remember to restart your Mac first.) If your computer does not have enough memory to run LAUNCH without RamDoubler™, try creating a custom extension set that uses a minimum number of extensions. Here's a typical set: Apple CD-ROM, QuickTime™, QuickTime™ PowerPlug, and Sound Manager. PCI and PPC Crashes and Hangs ----------------------------------------- If you are experiencing crashes, particularly with 6300, 7200, 7500, 8500, or 9500 series Macs, try turning off the "Modern Memory Manager" from the Memory Control Panel. Restart your computer after you do this. Installing System 7.5.5 or 7.6 will solve this problem. You can find this at 7200 PCI USERS with System 7.5.2 ----------------------------------------- To avoid problems, disable the "7200 graphics accelerator" extension from your startup extensions set and restart your computer. We suggest that you update your Mac with System 7.5.5 or 7.6 to avoid this problem. You can find this at Quadra 700, 800, 900 Users ----------------------------------------- LAUNCH runs in 256 and Thousands of Colors. If your Mac supports only 256 and Millions, then LAUNCH will run in 256 only. REQUIREMENTS --------------------------------- * At least 8 MB of RAM. In the finder, see "About this Macintosh" under the Apple pull-down Menu for information about your system's memory. * A 68040 processor or better (LAUNCH will work on 68030, but movies will probably be jerky, and navigation generally slow). * The latest version of QuickTime™ and its associated components (included with LAUNCH) Failure to have the following extensions/control panel may result in poor audio and/or video performance: • Quicktime™ (2.5) • Quicktime™ Musical Intruments • Quicktime™ PowerPlug (for Power Macs only) • Sound • Sound Manager 3.2 * A double speed or faster CD-ROM drive. * System 7.1 or later. * A monitor and video support capable of displaying at least 256 colors at 640x480. (To check and see if you have the right settings, check the "Monitors" control panel from your Apple Pull-Down Menu.) PERFORMANCE HINTS --------------------------------- For best performance, especially in the playback of movies, be sure you follow these rules: * Turn off Virtual Memory from the Memory control panel. * Set the cache to under 100k in the Memory control panel. * Turn off file sharing and other network software. Or, just turn off AppleTalk from the Chooser. * Do not have any other applications running. Even small applications (e.g. Stickies or CEIAC) should be quit. * Turn off as many extensions/control panels/inits as possible if you are still low on Memory. * If using a PowerBook, turn off processor cycling and use the faster processor speed. * Try to maximize your "largest unused block" of memory. See below: MEMORY --------------------------------- You need to have at least 5 MB of memory available for LAUNCH to run properly. While in the Finder, check your memory usage by selecting “About This Macintosh” from the Apple menu. This will tell you how much memory is available. Before you start, the only thing listed in the “About This Macintosh” dialog should be “System Software”. If there are other applications listed, you should quit out of them. If your system has 8 MB of system memory, you may have to work a little to make enough space for LAUNCH. If you have a large number of inits, extensions, control panels, or fonts, your system may be unusually large. While in the Finder, check your memory usage by selecting “About This Macintosh” from the Apple menu. If your System Software is larger than 4000, you may have trouble with LAUNCH. Try eliminating some inits, extensions, control panels, or fonts to reduce the size of your System Software. Then restart your computer, and try LAUNCH again. Conflict Catcher™ or Extensions Manager is helpful when disabling inits/extensions/cdevs. BUGS AND OTHER PROBLEMS ------------------------------------------- We’ve worked really hard to make LAUNCH bug-proof and fun to use. But there may still be some problems that you will encounter. If you are having problems, first check to see that your computer is set up properly and review some of the suggestions in this README file. If you are convinced everything is OK with your computer, you may have discovered a bug or design problem. If so, we’d like to hear about it. Please send email to: or a fax to the attention of: LAUNCH, 310 576-6070 or call the LAUNCH TECHNICAL SUPPORT helpline at 310-319-5320 (between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm (PST) Monday - Friday.) We also have a Technical FAQ available from our website: Describe the problem in as much detail as you can. Describe where and how it happened. Include all the details about your computer, too (e.g., Quadra 630, 8meg, System 7.5.1, 14” monitor). There are so many different combinations of equipment and software, that it’s difficult to know what is going on without all the information describing a system. Your bug report will help make future issues better. LEGAL ------------------------------------------- EarthLink Network® is a registered trademark of EarthLink Network, Inc. EarthLink Network TotalAccess ™ is a trademark of EarthLink Network, Inc. Navigator™ is a trademark of the Netscape Communication Corporation Copyright© 1994, Netscape Communications Corporation Copyright© 1994-1995 by Network Telesystems, Inc. Copyright© 1995 EarthLink Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved. THE END ----------------------------------------- You've reached the end of this lovely readme file. See you next issue. -JT